Darrelldoo Writing Services

Enjoyed the content on this blog? In dire need of quality content for your own website or blog? Great. You’ll be happy to discover that I’m not averse to writing for others.

Some of the strongest relationships I’ve built up beyond the dashboard since starting out in 2011 began on digital freelancing websites.

For an overview of different writing styles in my locker, I keep an online portfolio.  It’s a folder on Google Drive containing as many as two-dozen samples of my content at a time.

Zebedeerox writing for you

To get the ball rolling, fill in your information in the form, below, ensuring that all of the *required fields are completed as a bare minimum.

The more information you can provide about your project at the outset, the more accurate my offer will be and will ensure there are no misunderstandings further down the line.

Hit the submit button when you’re happy and I’ll quote you a competitive price, usually within 24-48 hours, for completing the work within your given time-frame, within reason.

Due to the unique quality, originality, creativity and best-practise SEO woven into all of my articles, if you’re looking for ten articles with 24 hour turnaround, you’re looking in the wrong place, sorry.

That’s not saying I don’t have access to other writers if you have a long-term requirement for large volumes.

If you’ve mountains of copywriting or editing that you can never seem to break the back of, please drop that information in the form below, also.

I’ll attempt to outsource as much of it as you require from within our network of copywriters.

Their own workload notwithstanding, I can neither guarantee who’ll be free at any given time nor that any outsourced work will be of the same calibre as that on zebedeerox.com or in the sample folder provided through the link above.

I can, however, edit (within reason) any outsourced work before sending it back to you to an acceptable standard for the UK or US market.

With Google Authorship comes the responsibility of delivering quality content

The pro-blogging niche is as much about reputation as it is price and delivery; perhaps even moreso now that Google Authorship is on the line.

Therefore I’d never contemplate submitting work that I myself wouldn’t deem acceptable for a human audience or publishing on my own blog network.

Thousands of articles populate the Internet that are “written” purely to satisfy the Google bots that index the web, spun by content thieves in far off lands whose only concern is the money, and a pittance at that.

As much as the days of non-native English speaking, keyword-stuffing, $1/hour merchants spamming the Internet are coming to an end, the practise is still commonplace on freelance agencies across the globe.

SEO is back in the hands of the honest copywriter

With Google improving its algorithms, including more filters with every roll-out, the real power of SEO is returning to the honest, educated content copywriter.

Please don’t fall for dodgy SEOs who say they can ‘guarantee’ you first place, page one on Google.  No one can.  Anyone worth their salt in the white-hat SEO niche will confirm that statement.

Concentrate on delivering unique, quality copy that adds value, engages your target audience, encourages comments and shares and you will attract natural links with a variety of anchor text phrases back to the relevant content.

That and only that is the genuine Search Engine Optimisation that Google is looking to reward.

If human readership likes your content, it’s safe for work and Google’s reputation will be enhanced by displaying your website or blog in its SERPs, then Google will rank your site.

Yes, you can pay $1/hour or $2/100 words, of course you can.  But will that content stand the test of time or eventually harm your website?  Is it doing so already?

Will you end up spending more to sift through your site, deciphering the good content from the bad and end up losing everything, including your ranking and, even worse, your followers/customers?

I can’t honestly say that you will or you won’t, just that it’s looking more likely with every algo update.

What I do know is that Google algorithms are getting smarter and all they’re searching for is content that will enhance their customers’ experience.  Solid fact. End of story.

Don’t let bad copy be the end of your story; rather, let this encounter be the opening of a new chapter.  Please, allow me to start it off…

Once upon a time, I stumbled across this honest, reliable copywriter and SEO, who opened my eyes to what content should be after I submitted my query to him through a form on his website…

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