How does digital/online marketing fit within marketing in the traditional sense?

Strategic view of social business intelligence (social listening)

“Digital marketing is different [to traditional marketing]…it should be measured against different metrics, thus have different goals”

I have been working in digital/online/internet marketing for a couple of years now, heading all online acquisitions and analytics teams at a growing e-commerce company.

However, I am interested to learn the theoretical aspects (definitions, models, etc.) of how this fits within the broader academic discipline of “Marketing”. I had taken a Marketing course during my undergraduate degree and none of what I learned there seems to relate to “internet marketing”.

Frankly, I almost feel that “internet marketing” is more related to sales or advertising than “Marketing” in the traditional sense. Or am I wrong?

So where is the connection between the two and why is digital/online/internet marketing called “Marketing” so often?

Any courses, articles or other resources (including direct answer) that illustrate a theoretical framework or background of this would be appreciated!

See the original post on Quora:

How does digital/online marketing fit within marketing in the traditional sense?

Hi, Isaac; thanks for inviting me to answer. It’s totally understandable that you should think internet marketing is closely related to traditional advertising.

Hang on, rewind. It’s easy to see why anyone may think that Internet Marketing DONE WRONG is like advertising. Let’s explain.

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New year, new blog? Make it a great one.

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to be a better blogger? Or perhaps you want to start a blog, but are more likely to rely on SOS than HTML, SEO, RDFa or CSS?

Well, WordPress are the top global blogging platform for a reason. And that’s exemplified in this free 4-week Blogging 101 course that begins on January 5th.

No WordPress, No Cry

It doesn’t matter if you don’t fly with WordPress (.org or .com) – this free blogging course is available to all. Sign up, here.

So, no excuses. Learn how to make a few Bob, whether you’re blogging in Moscow or Mali – come, join the Exodus and have a Wailer’ve a time.

And, okay – no more reggae puns. See you there. 🙂

The Daily Post

New to blogging? A new session of our introductory blogging course starts on Monday, January 5 — and all bloggers are welcome, whether you blog on, a self-hosted WordPress blog, or somewhere else entirely.

Blogging 101 is four weeks of daily bite-size assignments that take you from “Blog?” to “Blog!” — along with a supportive community to encourage you all the way through. At the end of the course, you’ll have a blog you’re proud and excited to publish, and that others are excited to read. Here’s how it works:

My blog has gone from being dull and plain to having widgets and all this shmancy tech stuff, and from having almost no followers to having a loyal following now!
– Microgalactic

  • And you'll get a badge! Who doesn't love a badge? And you’ll get a badge! Who doesn’t love a badge?

    Assignments fall into three broad categories — publishing posts and pages, customizing your blog, and engaging with the community — and…

View original post 165 more words

Where can I find articles on International Social Media Strategies?

Google Alerts results for Global Social Media

What has happened to Google Alerts? It’s gone all Hummingbird on us!

I was asked to answer this question on Quora:

Where can I find articles on International Social Media Strategies?

Social media strategy is almost exclusively focused on the United States.  Who are the social media thought leaders in the International space?

The original question was posted in September. Since, there have been some other answers from formidable authorities in the social media space.

Whether the poster of the question didn’t like the answers their question had garnered, who can say? Whatever, I threw my hat into the ring. Along the way, I found out something very interesting about Google Alerts…

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Is the Internet Picture Perfect?

Couple of weeks ago, we were talking about the huge advances in image rendering capabilities in search on Google+. I know we all know the value of an image in our content from an engagement perspective. But 2015 is going to be a big year for images in SEO, too.

The post to which I was referring was a study of a heat-map of SERPs by Brafton. It concerned where surfers look when they’re viewing search engine results pages:

heat map of users viewing SERPs

The post led to an aside comment, well, two questions, really, from Jason Telford. Since my original response, more layers to the semantic web have surfaced, which is why I’m posting the snippet, along with the additional insight, here:

Jason Telford:

I have a question for you +Jason Darrell after reading you post; well two actually.

Q1 » Do you think the internet has become too commercialised?

A. The Internet has always been a commercial highway. It’s just that today, more people are aware of the fact that if you click on a display Ad, someone somewhere will get a commission.

There are more:

  • businesses using paid ads;
  • streams for those ads;
  • internet/social users to target;
  • people aware of the fact that what they’re seeing is an ad;
  • clearly defined ads in search than ever before.

Nothing much has changed, other than the transparency of ads, their delivery media and their volume.


Over Christmas, I’ve seen a few adverts for sites advertising ‘cashback’ on UK TV screens.

They’re sites offering money back on the everyday goods folk are buying. This is affiliate marketing gone mental!

I have to take my hat off to the guys and gals behind these sites. They’re selling products at full retail price, but offering people a small return if they buy the stuff through them.

Okay, they’ll maybe not have shopify and amazon quaking in their boots just yet. But with the right angle, the potential is huge.

I rest my case, yer ‘onour.

Q2 » Whatever happened to the days when you went online to have fun and do you think that the march of the .com and online marketeering has killed the net for the average user who just wants to play around and share their content without caring about becoming rich or famous??

A. My guess is that there are more people just having fun on the web than marketers. People sharing their life, their families and their dreams, with no aspiration to become famous or rich. Or oblivious to the fact that they could.

The problem is, if they’re not optimising for search, they’re not going to be found other than perhaps by using their name.

Search would be a damp squib without optimisation

Search engines want to deliver the best results to its customers – the searcher. To do so, it needs signals beyond what it understands itself about the content to rank any web page with confidence.

With mark-up language (, RDFa, etc.) a key component to clearly define concepts within someone’s content, the chances of people ranking who can’t give the search engines defined signals are slim to none.

Semantic search changed everything

Google’s Hummingbird algorithm and subsequent progression in semantic search is making huge strides towards understanding context as well as content.

This is especially true if you’re signed into your Google account when you search. Google already knows a heck of a lot about you, your habits and your online (and offline) activity and relationships.

If you want to be able to use the Internet for fun, in theory, you should be able to do this more than ever.

Instead of typing in/saying specific keywords like we used to, Google is learning to understand us better if we add context.

As well as improving desktop search, this is very much tailored for mobile search, whereby we tend to use a string of words rather than one or two specific keywords.

The downside of ‘signed-in search’ is that if you’re a marketer, Google will return results connected to what it knows about you from your online activity. You’ll see results from your influencers (people whom you follow or engage with), your locale and related to all the content you’ve posted.

We believe that social signals are much more important to Google than they let on; in fact, Bing updated us with its guidelines this week and social signals were categorically stated as a signal they use.

We also believe that links will play a less important part in ranking in the future.

Your Knowledge Graph status – what Google knows about you and your circle of influence/reach – will have a huge bearing as Artificial Intelligence is more closely realised.

But is Google knowing you a downside, really?

In order to give Google as much information about us as to make its service relevant (and add to what it knows about us on its Knowledge Graph), our online presence/activity should not be one-dimensional.

The key to a better Internet experience, whether you’re using it for fun or in your profession, is to engage with people across all spectrums that interest you.

In real life, we don’t just talk about work – our loves, lives and laughter come into play, too.

As we engage more with people in those topics – be it football or baseball, search engine optimisation or politics – Google gets a much more rounded view of us.

The search engine can also determine how authoritarian we are in a subject, our acumen, our “persona” and deliver the most relevant results.

It’s the same principle of Siri, Cortana and Android – they learn about us as we go. The more we give them, the more intuitive they become and the better the real life experience for us.


Okay – two things have happened in the fortnight since this conversation occurred.

First, Google Hangouts has been widely reported to be drawing upon and implementing semantic elements.

What that means is that every YouTube video you upload gets put under the semantic microscope. This translates into the second thing. Social signals extracted by search algorithms are inevitably going to affect SERPs.

Bing, as alluded above, confirmed that social signals are included in their ‘version of Panda’, filed under A for Authority.

Do people like this content? Share it? Engage with it? If so, that’s good enough for Bing.

And, yes: Matt and the Google Webspam team defer their answers, saying that there’s no special algorithm to directly extract social signals. But they are far too ambiguous for us to rule social signals out of Google’s algorithms…”to the best of my knowledge”. 😉

Variations on a theme: trust, relevance, authority repackaged for 2015

As David Amerland puts it on his Google+ Post, “Semantic Connections”:

There are several layers of assessment each node (i.e data point or Entity, if it’s verified) goes through in order to assess its importance and impact on the semantic web.

One of these layers looks at each of four attributes:

  1. Directionality – where did the connection come from? Was the vicinity domain relevant? Was it from a bad neighbourhood or from a domain not usually associated with the current interaction?
  2. Temporary or Persistent – was the connection haphazard, or by design? Did it lead to a real connection or was it a miss?
  3. Transivity – does the current connection stand alone or are there shared friends and interests? If yes, what level are they at?
  4. Priority – Was the connection one that resulted in a response and further engagement? Or was it ignored?

So, there you have it. For sure, there are going to be naysayers who stand by Matt Cutts, et al. But…

…to me, social signals are as big a factor as images for 2015. You want to rank in search? Get busy with your images – and get people sharing them!

How can I rapidly get a huge amount of traffic to my newly launched website?

Young Man With Empty Pockets

Answer to the original Quora question by Jason Darrell:

You don’t want “a huge amount of traffic”. You want relevant traffic.

Unless, of course, you just want the adsense to pay your way. But if you don’t have quality content on your site when your audience gets there, you’re forever going to be driving traffic, as you’ll get few return visitors.

Don’t be fooled by numbers, either; they mean zip. It’s conversions that count.

Get out there, embark in social listening, find people whose pain points your product/service can help cure and help them; here’s a 12-step guide to developing a social strategy I posted to another question; maybe it’ll help: How should I stop my self-promoting on social media?

Other ways to win trust by listening first

Be a thoughtful commenter on high traffic blogs. Sign up to RSS feeds and get in there first; any further traffic to those blog posts will see your comment first; if you’ve got something worthwhile saying, they’ll likely want to find out more about you, too.

Follow hashtags – Hootsuite is good for following Twitter threads/chats, NOD3x is great for Google+, Facebook and many other platforms.

What you must not do is spam potential audiences with links back to your content. If they like what you say, they’ll find a way to get to you through your correctly marked up bios on your website’s representative social media platforms.

Build your authority first, give your audience a reason to trust you, and only then will you become relevant to them and those that stick around relevant to you.

Paid traffic may be the answer, but be prepared to dig deep…

Young Man With Empty Pockets

As some of the guys have said, there are ways (mainly paid) that you can get unqualified traffic to your pages. But your ads have got to match your content and that content has to be worth visitors coming to check out.

If you pay for traffic and your site does not deliver what your ads promise, you’re going to need deep pockets to fund the amount of traffic you think you need.

And whilst I agree in theory that pitching high-traffic blogs that your competitors guest blog on, as Brad Gerlach alludes in his answer, is an option, I have concerns about whether it’s suited to your situation.

Given Google’s tightened criteria over links and guest blogging, unless you have:

  • an established niche reputation, or
  • an absolutely must-have product that will go viral, or
  • can create amazingly unique, quality content that will add value to and compliment your host’s site,

it’s unlikely that those webmasters are going to give a site without any age to it a dofollow link or present you to their audience, which is the whole point of this tactic.

If you have time on your side but little budget, consider hiring a social media professional on Fiverr/Fivesquids who can blanket cover the social platforms and help raise your brand awareness.

However, do be prepared to do a little work yourself, as the old adage,

you get what you pay for

is never truer than in that situation. And that goes for the content on your site, too. Don’t skimp – give Google every reason to show it in SERPs, and no reason not to show it.

Hope that helps.

image credit: Ambro, Young Man With Empty Pockets Stock Photo

5 Trends That Will Change How You Use Social Media in 2015

I’ve seen many forecasts like this posted since answering a similar Quora question last week. But few with so little fanfare (and believable accuracy) as this one on Hootsuite.

Written by Hootsuite’s CEO, Ryan Holmes, it portends a Dystopian social media future:
► ability to buy direct from a tweet or facebook post with a click;
► social networks gathering even more data (watch out for the ‘we’ll handle your payment‘ carrot);
► and:

“a smart fridge that tracks your Facebook Events, sees you’re planning a party and how many people have RSVP’d and alerts you to make a beer run”

1984? I kid you not »